Download the new Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy
Download the new Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy

  • It is best to start at the edge of the Resonant Aftermath slice caused by Resonating Annihilation, then slowly rotate as more space is needed.
  • download the new Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy

  • This change will cause there to be a lot less usable space, and will incentivize the raid to be closely stacked for each ability to minimize the space that is wasted by Resonant Aftermath.
  • Terros will now spawn Resonant Aftermath when Fractured Rubble falls, instead of just on Resonating Annihilation.
  • Terros will target a random player and spawn a 12 yard circle under them which will erupt and deal damage.
  • Tanks will use Concussive Slam to destroy Awakened Earth pillars.
  • When there are more than 4 Awakened Earth pillars, split into two groups to lower the burst damage of Seismic Assault the raid takes when each group is destroyed.
  • Position Awakened Earth pillars in a single clump while there are less than 4 to allow the tanks to destroy them with a single Concussive Slam.
  • The number of Awakened Earth spawned by Rock Blast will increase throughout the encounter.
  • Awakened Earth will deal damage to players standing on top of them when they spawn, and will pulse damage to the entire raid while they are alive.
  • When Rock Blast explodes, Awakened Earth pillars will appear at a few marked players' locations.
  • After Rock Blast is cast, move away from the impact location before Aftershock explodes.
  • At least half your raid should help split the damage of this ability.
  • Rock Blast will be cast on a random player, dealing a massive amount of damage that is split between nearby players.
  • A more in-depth description of the encounter can be found in the Full Guide section.

    download the new Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy

    Here you'll find a quick breakdown of the strategy and the most important mechanics. Positioning graphics were taken in Each time it reaches 100 energy, Terros will obliterate a quarter of the room, making it inaccessible and putting a time limit on the encounter. Terros' key ability is a huge hit that needs to be soaked by the raid and spawns rock pillars that must be destroyed by the tank.

    download the new Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy

    During this encounter Terros will always be in the center of the room and cannot be moved. Terros is the second boss in the Vault of the Incarnates. You can find a complete list of loot tables in our Vault of the Incarnates Loot Guide and Tier Sets Overview. Terros' regular loot has the following item levels: 376 (LFR), 389 (Normal), 402 (Heroic), 415 (Mythic). Terros notably drops Terros's Captive Core which is needed for Iskaara Trader's Ottuk.

    download the new Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy

    Learn how to handle difficult mechanics with positioning diagrams, educational gifs, and written advice. This guide provides tips and strategies for defeating the Terros boss encounter on Normal and Heroic Difficulty in the Vault of the Incarnates raid.

    Download the new Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy